Credit Star can help you refinance your current home!!!

Refinancing your home loan could provide the funds you need to buy an investment property.
Refinancing can help you achieve an opportunity to become a property investor or gain rental income. 
It turns out that many Australian home owners have a significant amount of home equity to their name and are unaware of it. Are you one of these? You can easily find out by calling Credit Star Broker on 0431515916.
If there is a lot of money tied up in your home, it could be put to use to achieve personal goals such as investing in a rental property while still leaving your personal savings alone.

Potential savings of refinancing:
There can be great reasons to refinance such as accessing improved loan features, improved loan structure or to effectively manage the debt. 
Your Credit Star Brokecan provide details of how refinancing may help you to achieve your goals.
One of the positive parts of refinancing is the potential to save money, possibly thousands of dollars over the life of your loan.
You may not realise how much you could save, so speak to your Credit Star Broker to know how much extra money you could pocket by refinancing.
 How does refinancing to invest work?
50 % of the home owners want use the savings made from refinancing to pay a extra off their home loan, however if you’ve a goal of becoming a property investor, the savings of refinancing together with your home equity could help you achieve this.
Refinancing your home loan may let you withdraw some of your home’s equity to use as a deposit for an investment property rather than depliting up a cash deposit.  Then, a new investment loan secured by your investment property can provide the balance of funds needed.
An investment property can be a great asset, it can generate regular rental income to help cover your loan repayments, along with many of the other costs associated with owning an investment property.
Credit Star Broker has all this information. You never know if you can be a property investor until you contact us!

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